The Mezzanine

notes from the cheap seats

Saturday, June 02, 2007

Pools of Infinity

Hey, the first episode of 5Takes is tonight! If anyone watches, let me know what you think. And in other news from the states, I hear The National played great shows in NYC. Everyone should make a point to pick up their new album 'Boxer.'

So I'm leaving Manaus in about 4 hours, headed for Rio De Janerio. Why we have a 3:30am flight is beyond me. I didn't even know people scheduled flights for 3:30am. But hey, why would I know anything about the airline industry? Oh wait...

Today was the most relaxing day. I ate a lot and about 75% of my day was spent at the Infinity Pool. Now I don't know if anyone else is privy to these new fangled "infinity pools" but they are pretty awesome.

Get it? Pretty sweet, right? Especially since it's on the Amazon. It's also hard to take a bad looking photo around it.

I was relax to the max.

Then I finally got a (semi)descent photo of a dolphin.

As the sun was setting I finished my second book of the trip, "The Old Man and the Sea." What an awesome book. I read it years and years ago back in homeschool and remembered it having a profound effect on me back then and now I feel like it'll be one of those books that pops up sporadically throughout my life. Since it was such a great setting to finish a book about being on the water, I took some more pictures.

Walking back to our hotel, we saw a sloth! I dubbed him "Chewy" in honor of his great wookie ancestor.

And as promised here is my collection of instruments so far.

I'd post pictures of the hotel, but they aren't really that interesting comparatively.

Jack Kodiak asked for a poem about the Amazon, but I like haikus better, so here we go:

Rivers of life and rain
Glad the gator didn't eat me
Thank you for the tan

Now it's time to pack up and say farewell to the Amazon. See you in Rio!

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Blogger AJ said...

The sloth is cu-ute! Wish I had one...

Watching the show right now! Thanks for the heads up.

9:23 PM  
Blogger emily lime said...

!tengo celos rabiosos!

7:08 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Rio eh?

Don't forget to dance on the sand just like that river twisting through the dusty land.

And sloth is fun to say. Really. S l o w l y.


9:27 PM  
Blogger Jack Kodiak said...


Yes!!! One of my demands has finally been met. Thanks for the Haiku. Since you have met one of my demands, I shall reward you by making no demands in this post.

Photos are awesome, good to see one of you chilling out with a beverage.

That sloth is totally CGI... who the hell do you think you're fooling.

Matt & Bree had an impromptu BBQ this weekend, it was fun. Small crowd, but small fun crowd. You were missed.

Lastly i'm sure you think I'm still joking around... but you gotta get that gun man... In the next 144 hours there's gonna be a huge black out and you're going to need protection... It came to me in a dream... so i know it's true... I also dreamt i would smoke cigarettes and drink gin, and I've done that too... so there you have it i'm officially psychic.

Saving the psychic dream at a time,

This is Jack Kodiak

10:32 PM  
Blogger Joshua G. Sanders said...

Watched the show. I actually really enjoyed it. That plantation they went to reminded me so much of the one from Motorcycle Diaries. I'm glad you're having a good time man. The show is great.

8:07 AM  
Blogger Joshua G. Sanders said...

by the way...sloths rule!!! but not as much as lemur's.

8:08 AM  

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