The Mezzanine

notes from the cheap seats

Friday, June 01, 2007


Perhaps it's the sun or perhaps it's the malaria pills, but for some reason this week I've been really tired. At night I've barely had enough energy to get my work done much less for blogging. And there have been a lot of nighttime activities. So I've just been beat.

I am staying in the most amazing hotel I've ever seen. It's like a huge expansive of long wide hallways with beautiful mahogany doors and gigantic, ornate, hanging street lamps. There are pools and restaurants everywhere. I will take pictures before I leave, but for the time being, let's check out some photos.

First off- The Amazon River is in my backyard. The first day we were here we took a boat tour down the river and saw the Pointe de Negro, which is where the Yellow River and Black River (Rio Solomoes and Rio Negro) meet. It's incredible. Two completely different colors butt up beside each other, but don't mix. There's science behind it which I don't remember how to explain.

Here's a freighter from the Yellow River, then from the Black River

On the Amazon there are lots of people who live right on the water either in floating houses or houses on stilts. It's pretty awesome and I love that they wave at you if you start taking their pictures.

So then we got off at this floating restaurant/market and walked down this dock through the flooded forest. Now there is tons of animal life all over the place and yes, I did get a few pictures, but what I didn't get were the monkeys which were too far away to get a good shot of (why oh why didn't I get that long lens?!) and the fresh water dolphins which were too quick for me. Well, I got a fin, but that's it and not worth posting.

Maybe you notice the alligator in that last one, hmm? And here's the crew in the boat.

Needless to say, it was an amazing experience. Now I hate that I didn't separate these into different posts, but since I was a slacker this week, you'll have to just pause for a second, maybe go pour another cup of coffee, then keep on for the second part...

Near our hotel is the Pointe De Negro and right now there is a big festival going on with a open market full of bead necklaces and silly shirts. We walked through it yesterday before it was open while they were still setting up the stage and found this little pier and started taking pictures. A handful of local boys came up and started diving into the water and petitioning us to take their pictures as they leap in. It was really surreal and also really hilarious. I got a couple shots that I am really proud of.

Pretty cool, eh?

And finally I made another song, which I'm not sure if I like as much, but it's longer and has the same vibe as the first. I have purchased two new instruments which I haven't taken pictures of, but I will and they'll be included with the hotel pictures. Scouts honor.

MP3 - Manaus (#6)

Whew, ok mammoth post I know. Next stop Rio de Janerio!

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Blogger Jack Kodiak said...

Oh Daniel,

Neither snow, nor rain, nor heat, nor gloom of night stays you from the swift completion of your appointed rounds... meaning... Taking photos of foreign boys jumping into the water, swampy swampness, the floating suburbs of the amazon, and the creation of a new song. Good job all around. I really love the last photo of the two boys jumping... the kid on the right's pose reminds me of "28 days later".

Here's what I want:

1) A photo of an old doll floating in the swamp with duck weed and moss growing in the cracks and crevices of its porcelain face.

2) A song called "Tell the clever dog I said walk away"

3) A poem about the Amazon.

State side, we're already getting into some muggy summer weather. I saw the National on Monday and Thursday night and they rocked both times. Thursday was amazing, and kind of blew Monday away... But like I said both were good. Sticking with my own personal rule regarding illegal downloading I of course bought the album "Boxer" at the show... Even though I've had it now for at least a month.

Being noble in a lawless land of technology and text messaging,

This is Jack Kodiak

11:30 AM  
Blogger Robbo said...

Me and Matthew have decided you should make a career change to 'Alligator'.

it'd be awesome times fifty six ducks!!!!one!!1!!


12:56 PM  
Blogger elastigirl said...

jump into the sky and fall into the river.

3:22 PM  
Blogger Joshua G. Sanders said...

Man Daniel. Those shots of the boys swimming are amazing. Things are really gelling for you my friend. Get some sleep. By the way I love the song. Are you going to try and put together a whole thing or just a few random songs here and there?

3:55 PM  
Blogger . said...

The last one is still the best, cropping regardless.


Thank you for your support of my decision to be informed.
I shall use your advice wisely kimo sabi.


9:38 PM  
Blogger . said...

I cannot spell.
I meant kemosabe. Yes.

2:55 PM  
Blogger Diann said...

Hi Daniel,

I've been following your blog with great jealousy. What a wonderful adventure! Luv the photos too, especially the boys leaping into the river. The pics remind me of similiar shots in National Geographic. Anxious for more...keep on blogging....

4:22 PM  
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3:41 PM  
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9:37 PM  
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7:45 PM  

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