The Mezzanine

notes from the cheap seats

Thursday, May 24, 2007

Yo La Tango

Yo La Tengo = "I have her" / an indie rock band from Hoboken, NJ
Yo La Tango = "I tango her" (which makes no sense) / A form of dance originating from lower class (IE brothels) areas in Buenos Aires.

What a difference a noun can make.

Went to a Tango in Palermo Soho tonight. Took some pictures, but I fear they are too dark so I'm going to just review them tomorrow and decide if they are worthy. Tango is pretty amazing to watch. It can be really fast or really lethargic, but always incredibly sensual and hypnotizing to watch.

I slept very poorly last night and all today's tapes are already logged, so I'm going to curl up and sleep. Possibly like a baby.

Two quick notes:

1) Cabbies are really talkative, one today laughed really hard when he asked where in New York we were from and Adam relayed "Brooklyn, su tambien, su tambien..." then looked at me and told him I was homeless in spanish. Next on my to learn list "Hi, I'm Daniel and I'm homeless."

2) I keep forgetting to mention that I have seen 3 instances of graffiti that just says "Daniel". I also never have my camera handy when I see them, but it is true...

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Blogger AJ said...

I think one time I screwed up and told somebody in Spanish that there was a "bull in the post office," but at least I'm not homeless...

Keep up the good work on the blog, duder!

10:29 AM  
Blogger elastigirl said...

i wonder if your name means something significant down there, or if the argentinian you is just a prolific graffiti artist.

also, aside from being homeless, you are about to be stuffless, too. grace and i are selling all your possessions on ebay. sorry, baby. kisses!

11:34 AM  
Blogger . said...

yep, splittin the profits 60/40...


6:54 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I just added your blog site to my blogroll, I pray you would give some thought to doing the same.

1:05 PM  

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