The Mezzanine

notes from the cheap seats

Monday, May 21, 2007

The Bells

Today I made my first musical instrument purchase. After walking around aimlessly for 3 hours, I found Sarmiento Street which is apparently the music district of Buenos Aires. There were more music stores in a 5 block radius than the lower east side and 48th street combined. It was an exhilarating moment for me. Being very careful not to blow my wad, I made a small purchase of a set of 8 bells (more commonly known to non-drummers as an Xylophone). The proprietor assured me that it's a genuine Argentinian instrument, not made in China as he put it. And it's kinda beautiful actually.

So this brings my Latin American instrument arsenal up to a set of bells and a melodica (purchased before the trip for any down time on top of mountains of monuments where a tune might be appropriate). And my new goal is to buy an instrument in every country on this trip. I'm gonna make it happen. Oh yes.

Also, I have a ton of new pictures from my adventures today, but I'm photoshop-less at the moment, and these ones need a little work (too much backlight). So I'll get them when I get them.

Not sure if this will happen often, but I made a silly song in Garage Band last night with my new toys. Check it:

MP3 - Buenos Aires 2

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Blogger elastigirl said...

you need another mallet. two hands for the melodica. two feet for the xylophone. get on it. if you're in south america, does that mean you are coming home with a pan flute?

11:54 PM  
Blogger daniel bellury said...

you'll have to wait and see what i come up with... i have ideas...

1:25 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

That is the prettiest 8 bell I've ever seen. Right on.

Miss you brother.

4:31 AM  
Blogger Joshua G. Sanders said...

wow Dan. I really loved the song. My one complaint would be that its not long enough. Its amazing what you can do all by yourself. Actually...we probably shouldn't get in to what you do by yourself but...anyway. Sorry I missed you today on chat. My bosses keep an eagle eye on me. Can't wait to peep the first episode of the show.

12:52 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Don't know what happened with my blog title but its actually not sojourners lament. In case you were wondering who this was.

1:00 PM  
Blogger AJ said...

You DO need a pan flute. Most definetly. Then you can go join the Quechua flute man in the Union Square stop. But you have to dance like him too, and that seems harder.

1:19 PM  
Blogger . said...

oh my heavenly stars and garters, that is one sharp looking xylophone and I don't joke.
Your song makes me think sigur ros from the 80' a super way.
sorry I was so distracted on gmail/skype, what can I say other then I am in high demand...

2:39 PM  
Blogger Jack Kodiak said...


Let's get a few things outta the way. First of all, you're blog is off to an awesome start. Photos, Stories, and now a Song!!! Awesome. I love the song... I makes me feel like I drank a whole bottle of gin while piloting a submarine... then crashed the submarine into an underwater mountain and now the whole crew is being drowned and I've locked myself in the control room and I'm trying to drown out their pleas by drinking more gin, smoking cigarettes, and huffing weird submarine chemicals that are making me day dreamy high...

Now the critcism. Don't buy anymore musical instruments... Buy some guns man. You can probably get them real cheap and use them to slaughter all the men in a small Argentian town and make yourself king and ruler.

Now... Here's what I want... please supply this blog with one of the following:

1) A photo of a dead animal.
2) A photo of a car so badly riddled with bullet holes it looks like the game Connect Four.
3) A photo of an amulet that has mystical powers.

Here's what's happening here: Barton (Barton is James's new blogger name) and I are going glasses shopping tomorrow. He's blind as a bat... especially when driving at night in the rain... so he needs them hardcore.

Continue your adventures safely and keep having fun.

Thinking, drinking, and winking...
This is Jack Kodiak

9:20 PM  

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