The Mezzanine

notes from the cheap seats

Friday, May 25, 2007

Long Daze

Been a long day and didn't really get a chance to get out much because of work. But good none-the-less. Helped Blair, one of the cast, create his vlog for the Travel Channel 5Takes website and I added a link for the website on the side bar (<--- that way).

Got a special blog post in the works for tomorrow, so tonight I'm gonna try to get some much needed shut eye.


Blogger Jack Kodiak said...

Holy Shit!!!

The Lost Season finale was crazy amesome. Don't let anyone talk to you about it until you see it. Here's a sneak peak:

1. We find out one of Locke's foster homes as a child used to be a farm on a corn field in Iowa... And that Ben's father's best friend owned a field next to it and when they were kids... Ben and Locke would play together.

2. Paolo and Nicki FINALLY dig their way out of the sand to rescue the Losties.

3. There are other Others... they are called the Smothers and are way more dangerous.

Here's what I want to see:

A photo of a parakeet between two sliced of toast ready to be eaten as an on the go lunch special.

From the brink, to the ice skating rink...
This is Jack Kodiak

11:21 AM  
Blogger elastigirl said...

daniel, you are in manaus now. i am anxiously awaiting your first account!

11:16 PM  
Blogger daniel bellury said...

kodiak: Lost, schmost- i downloaded the first 12 episodes of Heros and am completely addicted. you will seriously love it to the max. it is like real-life X-Men, with the same intensity of Lost... but that being said, i'm downloading Lost right now.

lils: it's coming after i decompress from being on the friggin' amazon river all day..

12:39 AM  

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