The Mezzanine

notes from the cheap seats

Saturday, May 19, 2007

Hola Buenos Aires

After a long disorienting flight, I arrived in Buenos Aires, Argentina. The day started off slow with a lot of meeting the crew for the show and moving as a unit, which always seems to take a long time. Not a bad thing, as it gave me a chance to get to know the people I'm going to be working with for the next two months.

Once we arrived at our hotel and finally got situated, two of the producers and myself, went out to soak up some culture and more importantly get some real food. I grabbed a map and acquainted myself with the area and led the way to a street ominously titled "Florida Street".

Sure enough, it was a huge open mall with street performers, caricature artists- the works. Only the architecture was much more appealing than that of the Florida I know. We found a restaurant brightly lit with fluorescents and vaguely reminiscent of a diner you'd find on 34th street, except of course I couldn't understand the menu. I deciphered a sandwich and for some reason it came with shredded carrots and slices of hard-boiled egg. Tasted good regardless.

Since I forgot to take my camera out with me on my excursion, I decided to take pictures of my sweet hotel room. First off we have a wide view.

Next here's my little work area where I'll be slaving away to the Final Cut Pro gods for the next week.

Here's what looks to be two toilets. Now any world traveler might immediately recognize what is going on here, but let's open them up and see what's inside...

Yes, as you can see below, the first "toilet" is actually a bidet. For the uninformed a bidet is a post-toilet toilet that shoots water up your butt to clean it out after a number two. You can also just use it if you're bored and wonder what it feels like to have water shoot up your butt. I recommend toilet paper instead.

Ah, here is a non-descript knob that I puzzled over until when I answered my door and realized there was music coming from the ceiling.

Yeah, apparently you can adjust the level of latin lounge music that comes out of the hallway from beside your bed? Doesn't make much sense to me either, but what do I know about fancy hotels...

Ok, so that's all I have for today. Got to fall asleep now, so that I can wake up bright and early and see what this whole Argentina country is all about.

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Blogger Jack Kodiak said...

Whoa... That music control thing is pretty crazy... It's almost like you're in a futuristic movie that was made in 1965 about the movie 1978... (Yes Daniel it IS that specific).

You don't know what you're talking about with that bidet man... I tried one in Canada once and it was awesomer than awesome.

Okay... Here's something about me. Gwilyn and I (Gwilyn is JP's Blogger name... we saw it on a tombstone recently) were in PA this past weekend and he found a tick on himself... Now I can't stop itching and feeling like I'm crawling with them.

Three things I want to see photos of:

1) Crazy Argentinian hookers.
2) Somebody eating a frog
3) The statue of liberty on fire.

Itching and being paranoid,

This is Jack Kodiak.

10:26 PM  
Blogger daniel bellury said...

get your own friggin pictures of the statch on fire.

i'm definitely working on finding argentinian hookers though (just kidding mom!)

so i guess, i'm supposed to be worried about ticks too. more so next week when we're in the freaking amazon, but yeah. i bought some hippie insect repellent at whole foods without all the chemicals, and i'm a little scared that it isn't going to work.

we'll see. i might be bringing home a parasite!

12:35 AM  
Blogger elastigirl said...

welcome to the strange and wonderful world of international luxury hotels!!! use your door key to unlock the lights and turn on the a.c. next to your bed, but adjust the thermostat in your closet, and don't forget to use your nail clippers to forge the windows open. it IS possible to turn on the t.v. without activating the alarm clock, but you will only understand bbc world.

then fall asleep to bbc world on you couch.

bidets have 2 or 3 more knobs than what seems useful. my eyes get a little wider when i see them, but i usually am not brave enough to try them out. be a man for me.

10:31 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

In it something is. I will know, many thanks for the information.

4:53 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hello mates,

I'm trying to make a NTSC DVD-Video that:

a) When played on a standard 4:3 TV, black bars are inserted to the top and bottom of the image (allowing the movie to be viewed in letterbox format)
b) When played on a widescreen 16:9 TV, the image stretches back to its original rectangle shape.

My source specs are:

Resolution: 592 x 320
FPS: 25 (PAL)
AR: 1.85:1 (16:9)

About the AviSynth script, should I use:

AddBorders(0, 67, 0, 67)


AddBorders(0, 10, 0, 10)

or none?

...also, in CCE SP2, which frame rate should I use? the original (25) or a NTSC one?

Thanks in advance :)

12:54 PM  
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8:56 PM  
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9:46 PM  
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1:09 PM  
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