The Mezzanine

notes from the cheap seats

Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Wicked Rest, No?

Bah, sleep is for quitters. And I'm not a quitter, so I haven't been doing much of the ol' shut-eye. The downside is exhaustion (from what I hear) has a tendency to shorten blog posts. I'm just sayin...

Yesterday I woke up and one of my ears was clogged and I couldn't really hear out of it very well. This has happened to me before (too much rock?) so I just kinda ignored it and asked around unsuccessfully for Q-Tips. This morning it was still bothering me, so after breakfast I decided to take a hot bath and soak my head to loosen up that ear gunk.

That worked pretty well. The problem was that I made the bath SUPER hot and I mean, like hotter than a black camaro's hood on an august afternoon in Georgia (you know the camero with the bird painting? Niiiice). So I tried adding some cold water, but it was too late and I just got in.

When I got out, my skin was kinda red and I felt woozy and put on my Reconquista bathrobe and slippers and stumbled back to bed. I seriously had to rest up for like 30 minutes before I could walk.

Bottomline; baths are awesome and powerful.

Otherwise today, I hung out at the hotel, did a little work then had coffee, lunch, coffee a long walk in a new direction and more coffee. Then this evening I went the one and only vegetarian restaurant in the Palermo Hollywood barrio of Buenos Aires called "Bio" with Adam and Aidria and it was awesome. I had this crazy mushroom and rice dish, but Adam's risotto and cheese was the unanimous favorite.

We got a cab back to the hotel because the subway was closed (at like 11- we ain't in New York anymore Toto) and Adam and the cab driver kept talking and laughing in Spanish and the only work I could understand was "whisky". Apparently, he thought we were drunk. Off 2 cervas? I think not. Then I bragged about going to see the Arcade Fire at Radio City and when I was met with awe and appreciation, I knew for sure that I am in good company on this trip.

Ok, so maybe this isn't a short blog post. Maybe exhaustion just makes you over do it with parenthetical statements.

Here's some pictures (still sans photoshop, but whatever):

I'm too tired for descriptions, so just figure it out. But don't cry for me Argentina, I'm going to bed!

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

I love you to man. I programmed my tivo (have I ever mentioned my undying affinity for tivo?) to record the 5 takes. Its pretty cool that its coming on in like two weeks and you're working on it right now. I'm so proud of you buddy that you're doing this and all of the time you've put in working bull shit jobs has paid off for you. "I never learned how to quit you man" but I think they're working on a patch. I'll keep you posted. Be safe, be productive, and buy some flippin Q-tips.

12:04 PM  
Blogger a.l.j. said...


i snickered the other night while i was sitting through an AICE awards show (so freakin looong) b/c i then realized you're probs hunched over your laptop pounding away in FCP somewhere waaaay down south. man oh man am i proud/envious of ya!

11:20 PM  

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