The Mezzanine

notes from the cheap seats

Sunday, June 10, 2007


Admittedly, I am a huge cornball. Corny to the max. It's mostly my dad's fault. But I can't help it- it's actually cold in Chile!

I had a great first day in Santiago. Walked around Plaza De Armas, took some pictures, bought a hat and took the subway (they were playing "Friday I'm in Love" by the Cure in one of the stations!). Then met up with Maura, one of the producer's sisters who is a travel writer for the New York Times, and we went on a tour of Pablo Neruda's house. Excellent stuff. Definitely learned a lot about him and it inspired me to buy his autobiography, which in English is just called "Memoirs" (boring) but in Spanish it's called "I Confess, I Have Lived" (cool!).

Then we took a "Funicular" which is like a trolley of sorts up to Cerro San Cristobal and saw the huge virgin Mary statue, then took these crazy 60's sci-fi cable cars back down. It was a lot of fun.

I'm going to post pictures, but I mainly wanted to give myself an excuse in this post. We traveled a day early this week, leaving Rio crazy early Saturday morning and arriving in Chile (after many delays and a layover in the worst airport in the world, San Paulo Brazil) in the late afternoon. Now during the flight somehow my new instrument, the mini-harp, became un-tuned and so the new song that I had composed in Rio will have to wait until I can get a wrench and retune.

Bum out. So instead I have a picture of me sitting by my windowsill in Rio looking longingly towards the sea with my mini-harp, and that will have to do for now.

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Blogger emily lime said...

you put the fun back in funicular (just matching corn for corn, my friend!).

1:49 PM  
Blogger Joshua G. Sanders said...

ok so two things. first, pablo neruda is so amazing and I'm so jealous and second, that photo of you in the window reminds me of a shot from Magellans Chains. oh, and funestacles is more fun to say. love you long time.

12:59 PM  
Blogger . said...

Yay I like your pretty picture!

It is bluer than madame blueberry.

I showed MamaB how to read your blog today.
So hopefully she will be reading it.

9:13 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

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4:07 PM  

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