The Mezzanine

notes from the cheap seats

Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Bad Daniel, no cookie

I have slacked tremendously on blogging, I know. The worst part is that I'm in Peru and I've having to retro-blog on Santiago, when all I want to tell you about it where I'm at and what I've been doing. All in good time my friends...

So Santiago was one of the kindest cities I've been in yet. People there are just awesome. The weather was the real bummer. It rained all but 2 days that we were there and the nicest of those days I was stuck inside working all day long.

Oh well, I guess you can't win them all. I did go out to some bars with members of the cast and crew which was a lot of fun. And my hotel room was tres elegant. Which brings me to the brunt of this blog post:

An ongoing list of my new friends (and subsequently my new enemies)

1) My new friend, Roomservice. He's great when you're feeling down. Or bored. Or hungry. I suppose it's a lot like getting delivery, but it's in a hotel and you don't have to clean anything up.

2) My new friend, The Gym. So I'll confess, I haven't really worked out in years. I'll rock a yoga class every now and then, but weights? Treadmills? Ellipsis machines? Give me a break, I didn't even know what an ellipsis machine was. Well, the rub of the Sheraton is that you have to pay $5 to use the gym and the swimming pool is a part of the gym, so I figured I better get my money's worth. And actually I really enjoyed it and have wild notions of making exercise a more prominent part of my life. The downside is...

3) My new enemy, Sore Arms. Wow, don't bite off more than you can chew when you start going to the gym for the first time in years. I felt like my shoulders cans of silly string, shooting forth pink a green streams of pliable chemicals, which are good for nothing except annoying your friends with.

Well, I didn't take any pictures that I was crazy about, but I posted 60 from Santiago on my Flickr page, in an effort to start getting that guy back up to date.
Check them out here.

Oh and the title of this entry is completely untrue- I've been eating tons of cookies.

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

The gym scares me.

Locker rooms are sketchy. Some men just shouldn't walk around naked. Like, ever. In fact, I don't really want to see any men nakers.

But uh yeah, good fer you!

1:08 PM  
Blogger emily lime said...

i believe it's actually called an elliptical machine...or "elliptical trainer" if you're feeling especially miami personal trainer.

but isn't elliptical just "pertaining to the form of an ellipse"?

i wonder why they call this machine such a name?

6:19 PM  

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