The Mezzanine

notes from the cheap seats

Tuesday, July 03, 2007

Bogota -> San Jose

Part one: Party On Bogota

I'll be honest with you, I didn't write at all in Columbia because 4 of the 7 nights I was in Columbia I went out on the town. Let me tell you what- if you ever want to party like a rock-star and dance the night away, Bogota is the place to do it.We met some amazing people and had a ton of fun.

It's crazy that it has such a bad reputation. I even expected a 3rd world type scenario, but it's a modern and expansive city. There are dangers, but I never felt unsafe even late at night. It's probably my most recommended city that I've been to so far.

Jean Grey (new name for my camera) started working again so I snagged a couple cool shots of the city.

Part two: Sick in San Jose

Immediately juxtaposed with the biggest positive surprise of Bogota was the biggest letdown of San Jose, Costa Rica. Let me be clear- Costa Rica is beautiful. There is rainforests, volcanoes, monkeys, sloths and all kinds of cool things. However the capital city San Jose where I have been stuck in the equivalent to a Motel 6 sucks really hard. In fact it's the first place that has disappointed me.

And on top of everything else I got a wicked cold two days ago and have been laid up in this gross, muggy, prostitute riddled place. Did I mention there is a casino in the lobby of our hotel? Sounds cool right? No, it's scummy and terrible. I was excited to gamble for the first time in my life, but as soon as I walked in there I realized that this was not the place to lose my gambling virginity. I picture gambling in a James Bond tuxedo, plopping down $100,000 chips in a fight to the death duel of no limit Texas Hold 'Em. This is ugly Americans with ugly hookers and ugly carpet.

I hate to be so negative, because I like to be positive about everything. In fact the first day here when everyone else was complaining I kept saying "Hey guys, it's not so bad! It's like hotels we stayed in while the band was on tour. And you don't have to share it with 4 dudes!"

But I'll tell you what, tour hotel generally don't have as many prostitutes. And you generally only have to stay in them one night and then move on to a city where hopefully you have some friends who'll let you crash on their couch. And usually your friends aren't prostitutes. And also on tour you get to place music at night and hang out in the city during the day, not work during the day, then stay inside at night for fear of being assaulted by fat prostitutes.

Did I mention prostitutes yet?

Anyway, enough of my bitchin. Here's what I've been doing in my free time.

PPS> I did get to go to a volcano in Costa Rica that was wicked awesome. I have some shots which I will hopefully post on Flickr soon, but they are on a drive that got sent to the editors room. So you're just stuck with the whining for now.

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

Can your camera kill a yak from 200 yards away?

Cause that's TELEKINESIS KYLE! I mean, DANIEL!

4:26 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Dang! So I aint gotta be scared of colombia anymore... Good to know!

Ps-- I'm writing this on my iPhone. Happy day!

1:40 PM  
Blogger jaredswafford said...

"And usually your friends aren't prostitutes" amazing.
glad your camera is workin again!

1:45 PM  
Blogger . said...

This comment has been removed by the author.

2:13 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Great song man...well played. Crazy, calm video.

7:54 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Tnx for leting your self discover colombia!, Many people doesnt know lots of things 'bout this country, things that remain undiscovered becouse of media's generalized opinion.

4:10 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You are a very smart person!


8:02 PM  

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